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Pontile Di Marina Di Pietrasanta

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Image 6430619: Pontile Di Marina Di Pietrasanta

Pontile Di Marina Di Pietrasanta
Image ID: 6430619   |   Image Type: JPEG Photograph
Image Description: I vistied the area around Cinque Terre in Liguria/Italy for a few days from May 1st till May 4th. Our hotel was located in Marina di Pietrasanta very close to the sea, from where we started our daily tours. The weather was pretty cloudy and also rainy, but we were able to do everything what has been planned for us. Been the first time for me to be so close to the sea for a longer time and we have really seen a lot during those days. We started our trip in Radenthein with a bus from the local travel agency Bacher Reisen on Thursday at 6 a.m. in the morning. Our busdriver was Heller Bernd, who knows everything about this region. On Friday we took a boat tour from La Spezia to Porto Venere and onwards to Cinque Terre. From Riomaggiore we took the train back to La Spezia and with the bus back to our hotel. On Saturday we visited the marble quarry in Carrara and had a local guide named Mario who was an old police man who turned 90 years 3 days before. For that age he was in fabulous shape and a really funny guy! In the evening we visited Lucca which was also quite interesting. On Sunday morning it was the one and only day with more or less blue sky so I used an hour in the morning, before we were leaving, for taking some shots of the Pontile di Marina di Pietrasanta. A few short words on this and maybe more soon in one of my blogs. Hope with these pics you can enjoy a little bit as we did!
Camera Data: Canon EOS 60D

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