Derek2020 Derek2020
CEO photographer janitor
United States
Rockford, United States
My time: 05:33
Images approved: 1
Images sold: 0
Why do I take pictures:
I have always enjoyed photography but only now have I really been able to use pictures to express emotion. Whether it be the peaceful feeling of the sun setting over the water or the happiness in a childs face, I love to capture and share it.
When I don't photograph, I...:
I love to travel, work out and enjoy movies when I find the time.
My favourite photographer, and why:
Sparky Leigh (from Hawaii) is one of the few photographers I know and his work is very inspiring.
The meaning of life, in my opinion:
That is such a tough question to answer. I don't think I know what the meaning of life is but I do feel each and every person on this planet should live a peaceful life and in a way that makes them truly happy.
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Photos And Illustrations By Derek2020

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