Rheascope Rheascope
Digital artist photographer writer
United States
Las Vegas, United States
My time: 19:06
Images approved: 18
Images sold: 21
Why do I take pictures:
I can call myself art addicted person . Everything in my life is about art and creativity . And it is not only photography . Photo-art ,digital art, fractals ,logo design , greeting cards , web design ... and I still learning more .
When I don't photograph, I...:
Camera and me never being apart and when I am not happy with photography I moving my inspiration into computer ( my second best friend :-) and creating digital art .
My favourite photographer, and why:
Valeriy Petrov . My father and the most talented person I have ever knew .He was producer , director , artist , photographer , cartoon maker and script writer .He perished in age of only 28 y/o
The meaning of life, in my opinion:
"World is just a dream , the life is illusion . Art is my light within , sweet soul infusion ..." (~Ruslana Stovner~)
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Photos And Illustrations By Rheascope

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18 matches       Images per page: 80|160 Page: 1

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