briannolan briannolan
United States
Marion, United States
My time: 01:37
Images approved: 27
Images sold: 23
Why do I take pictures:
At first I took pictures to share my world with others. As I spent moretime behond my camera I began to find that photography held it's own language, There's something almost musical about an image. If the image is crafted carefully it can stir the soul.
When I don't photograph, I...:
I go about my simple daily life.
My favourite photographer, and why:
Minor White- he saw that an image is much more than an image.
The meaning of life, in my opinion:
Life is accepting ones part in the overall scheme of things. We're here for such a short time perhaps that's why spam bothers me as much as it does.
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Photos And Illustrations By briannolan

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27 matches       Images per page: 80|160 Page: 1

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