krintz krintz
United States
Kirkwood, United States
My time: 21:08
Images approved: 1
Images sold: 1
Why do I take pictures:
So many things go by us in daily life. Small things that we never notice. I hope to make people notice. Too appreciate the things that everyday life makes us walk right by. Either because we are too busy or just too ungratefull to see. Wake up and look around you.
When I don't photograph, I...:
Work 2 jobs and try my best to hold down a houshold. Society dictates that you have to do certain things even if you dont want too. The trick is in fooling society into thinking you have a handle on it even if you don't.
My favourite photographer, and why:
I have no favorite. Anybody willing to share what they see in everyday life with the rest of the world is good in my book. It takes guts to put the truth out there for everyone to see. Doesn't matter if you are working for National Geographic or the school newspaper.
The meaning of life, in my opinion:
Respect for yourself and for others. No matter what your father says. Live happy and treat people with happiness and it matters not how the rest of the world thinks of you.
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Photos And Illustrations By krintz

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