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Image 6242368: Beautiful girl in white helmet, shorts with shirt holding scrolls drawings and talking on phone

Beautiful girl in white helmet, shorts with shirt holding scrolls drawings and talking on phone
Image ID: 6242368   |   Image Type: JPEG Photograph
Image Description: Beautiful girl in white helmet, shorts and shirt holding scrolls drawings and talking on phone. Isolated over white background
Camera Data: NIKON D800

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xs 238x400px JPEG $1
s 476x800px JPEG $4
m 1117x1878px JPEG $6
l 1580x2656px JPEG $10
xl 1934x3253px JPEG $15
xxl 2736x4601px JPEG $20
xxxl 3532x5940px JPEG $25
EPS or Ai format. Scalable to any size. Requires vector editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW or Inkscape.
Extended License options

 Consumer Merchandise $50

This license specifically entitles you to use an image for placement on products for commercial resale or redistribution. Some examples include: mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts and other apparel, toys; greeting cards, stationary, calendars, stickers, posters, artwork and similar paper products.

 Electronic Templates $50

This extended license includes permission to resell or distribute the image as part of an electronic template, such as an e-greeting card, Powerpoint slideshow template, or software deployment package.

 Unlimited Print Run $50

Quantity of reproductions is limited to fewer than 500,000 for the standard license. This extended license has no limit.

 Unlimited Seats License $50

This license enables any number of employees of the same company to use the image.

Please contact us to purchase any of these extended license options.

Extended License options  $50
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Which size? Calculate the size you need based on the print resolution required.

Calculate print size at DPI:
Image edition Size in cm Size in inches
XS 2.0 x 3.4 cm 0.8 x 1.3"
S 4.0 x 6.8 cm 1.6 x 2.7"
M 9.5 x 15.9 cm 3.7 x 6.3"
L 13.4 x 22.5 cm 5.3 x 8.9"
XL 16.4 x 27.5 cm 6.4 x 10.8"
XXL 23.2 x 39.0 cm 9.1 x 15.3"
XXXL 29.9 x 50.3 cm 11.8 x 19.8"
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