Luminescent Luminescent
Windsor, Canada
My time: 14:37
Images approved: 27
Images sold: 7
Why do I take pictures:
I enjoy capturing the natural beauty of the world around me.
When I don't photograph, I...:
I build and sell space on servers and websites.
My favourite photographer, and why:
I have many favorites, depending on genre and style. It may change from year to year.
The meaning of life, in my opinion:
I don't know aobut the meaning of life but my philosophy on life is to make the best of the life we have been given, good or bad, happy or sad, rich or poor. One should always look for the silver lining as it is there to be found, if one is dedicated enough to look for it.
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Photos And Illustrations By Luminescent

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27 matches       Images per page: 80|160 Page: 1

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