Ten Design Blogs You MUST Read

Posted Wednesday, 14 February 2007 by Gudmund in Design
Inspiration, information, advice and entertainment; what more do you want? The following blogs offer all these elements in different measures and combinations, but they do have one thing in common: whether design is your bread and butter or for your eyes only, they are must-reads.
Winner's Golden Cup

In no particular order, we give you this somewhat subjective shortlist:

Veerle's Blog

Veerle's blog is a cheerful and extremely insightful mix of design advice and views, tutorials and interviews. The focus is on CSS and web standards but the content is varied, and Veerle has a way of writing engagingly about anything.
Quite possibly Belgium's tastiest export ever – after Leffe Dark.

N.Design Studio

N.Design Studio is the personal site of Nick La, an extravagantly talented, Toronto based designer and illustrator. His site is a well-stocked goodie-bag of software tutorials, freebie graphics and design inspiration.


BrandSpankingNew is written by Timothy Groves, a designer based in Munich, Germany. Timothy writes about everything from design, fine arts and the business of design to Javascript, XHTML and the like.
He also maintains a comprehensive and inspiring 'Recent surfing' list.

Mark Boulton

Mark is a designer with many years experience in the fields of print, advertising, multimedia and web design. He offers sound and authorative guidance on many of the core elements of good design, including typography, designing with colour, CSS and information design.
He is also a member of the BritPack collective.

Mike Davidson

Mike Davidson is CEO of Newsvine. Somehow he also finds time to run his highly successful personal site. The content is wide-ranging, but could be said to cover communication design in its broadest sense.
Mike was one of the pioneers behind the development of sIFR, which brought rich typography functionality to the web, so his site contains documentation and updates on this project too.

456 Berea street

If web standards, accessibility and usability is your thing, Roger Johansson's site cannot be rated highly enough. Impressive stuff.


Jon Hicks is a UK based print + new media designer, and part of the Camino browser graphics team. He posts an excellent and engaging blend of web and graphics related content on his site.

Bartelme Design

Wolfgang Bartelme is an Austrian designer specialising in top-notch user interface and application icon design. The content of his journal is focussed on interface design, cutting-edge web design and scripts and Mac OS.


Advertised as 'Simon Collison's Illogical Waffle', this site doesn't entirely live up to its description. It does, however, deliver some rather interesting, as well as entertaining, content. The main focus is on web design, but there are also plenty of articles for anyone interested in design in general – or life in general for that matter.

Design Observer

It is perhaps rather unfair to bundle this site in with the above sites, which are all more or less one-person operations, albeit very accomplished ones. The credits for Design Observer, on the other hand, read like a Who's Who of some of the most notable design writers from the last decade, with founding contributors including Michael Bierut, William Drenttel, Jessica Helfand and Rick Poynor.
A must for everyone who wants a regular input of well written articles on all facets of design and creative culture.

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Nice list but...
By Pieter on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 8:00 PM
Leffe is not a beer (theoretically, because they add chemical leaven), it has never been brew in an abbey. It even has nothing to do with the town Leffe. It has been invented in a town called Overijse.

Leffe is a comercial product of Inbev, a big beer company, ruled by the Brazilians from the former Ambev. They only goal is make as much profit as possible, they don't care about tradition nor beer quality. They are pushing the small brewers out of the market, running the risk to loose the diversity of beers that now exist in Belgium. If you respect the Belgian beers, you don't drink Leffe.

Just had to mention, sorry.
By Jonathan Stanton on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 9:16 PM
in Mike Industries opening page he has a picture of old broken down industrial plant right next to a park and the a body of water. I live right by there, cool! That is the Puget sound! and I have kayaked it! cooool!
By poojitha on Thursday, 15 February 2007 4:47 AM
I like crestock blog it gives lots of information about Digital ART
By Chamoca on Thursday, 15 February 2007 6:32 AM
Add Snook.ca inside
By Sue on Thursday, 15 February 2007 8:26 AM
http://tomatic.com , the popurls founder. Has interesting stuff sometimes.
How can you miss this one?
By Sridhar on Thursday, 15 February 2007 12:23 PM
Another miss
By coda on Thursday, 15 February 2007 12:40 PM
A tight list, thanks. Design View by Andy Rutledge is a very notable addition, for his incredibly insightful Design Redux articles alone!
Your list is incomplete
By Blagoj on Thursday, 15 February 2007 4:32 PM
A list apart
By gudmund on Thursday, 15 February 2007 4:35 PM
Several people have commented on A List Apart being absent from the list above. This was actually a conscious decision on our part, and just comes down to to how you define a 'blog' really. It stayed on our list almost until the end, but we finally decided that a site which describes itself as a 'Magazine' and has an editorial team larger than an average local newspaper, did not quite fit in on this list – despite the high quality of their content and the 'blog-style' publishing format.
The same could be said about Design Observer too, but we really thought they deserved a mention – if you can't be just, be arbitrary :)

Thanks for your suggestions, perhaps we'll do another list with the best design sites at some point too.
Great Links
By Lara on Monday, 11 February 2008 9:58 AM
Wow... this is really an excellent article... And the links looks really awesome... Thanks a lot for the resources... :) The N.Design studio is really a wonderful design.. I love it.. :)
Great Links Thank You
By Gavalian Web Design Studio on Sunday, 17 February 2008 9:46 AM
Thanks a lot.... it's cool article

Gavalian Web design Studio

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