
Tips, views and profiles of some of the key contributors to Crestock, as well as notable figures in design, illustration, photography and other areas of the creative industries.

MacBook Air for travel photographers

Posted Wednesday, 8 June 2011 by Louis Au in Louis Au, Photography, Technology
A workshop participant recently asked me about whether the MacBook Air is a good choice for travel photographers. I responded with a few main points that I would consider if I found myself one day inside the Apple Store with a credit card in hand.
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How (& Why) to Calibrate Your Monitor

Posted Monday, 7 March 2011 by Louis Au in Louis Au, Photography, Technology
How (& Why) to Calibrate Your Monitor
For Digital Content Creation Professionals, the ability to control colours is essential. With today's complex colour management workflow, getting colours to match between devices can be challenging. If your monitor is not displaying colours and shades accurately, then all your efforts in image adjustments will be wasted. The results on-line or in printed media will be unpredictable.
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Top 50 Blog Posts on Usability, Web Design & Development Resources & Cheat Sheets of 2008

Posted Wednesday, 11 February 2009 by Sverre Sjøthun in Design, Inspiration, Technology, Trends, Photoshop
Top 50 Blog Posts on Usability, Web Design & Development Resources & Cheat Sheets of 2008
Designing a website is so much more than just making it look pretty. The bigger the site, the more complex the task grows, and it compasses so many disciplines you'll need a team of specialists for the really big projects. Even if you're working on a small business website, there are still a number of areas to cover – here are some of the best articles from 2008 to help you on your way.
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So You Joined the Affiliate Program – Now What?

Posted Friday, 6 February 2009 by Sverre Sjøthun in Technology, Inspiration
So You Joined the Affiliate Program – Now What?
Affiliate marketing can be a very, very lucrative business - especially when you join great programs and know how to promote the services. I personally know several people that makes six figure incomes a year by doing just that.
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Treasure-hunting on eBay or at home – The lure of luscious vintage cameras

Posted Thursday, 22 January 2009 by Lars Hasvoll Bakke in Photography, Technology
Treasure-hunting on eBay or at home – The lure of luscious vintage cameras
When it comes to photography equipment, there's a lot of old crap floating about, tucked away in your (grand)parents closets, in the back of photo shops, and of course, on eBay.
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Odd and Bizarre Christmas Gifts & Gadgets

Posted Monday, 15 December 2008 by Lars Hasvoll Bakke in Entertainment, Technology
Odd and Bizarre Christmas Gifts & Gadgets
With Christmas closing in, we proudly present a selection of this year's oddest, most bizarre and ridiculous gifts and gadgets for Christmas, Chanuka, Kwanzaa, Festivus or your own.
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Introducing the New and Revamped Crestock Forum

Posted Thursday, 20 November 2008 by Josh Hodge in Technology
Introducing the New and Revamped Crestock Forum
The new and improved Crestock Forum is finally live, with some nice surprises!
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The World's Most Extreme Photography Equipment

Posted Tuesday, 8 April 2008 by Lars Hasvoll Bakke in Technology, Photography
The World's Most Extreme Photography Equipment
There are several categories of camera gear available: there's the sensible, the desirable and then there's the stuff that you'd never even imagined. Here's a selection of equipment that most definitely belongs in the latter category.
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15 Amazing Free, High Resolution Wallpaper Images

Posted Tuesday, 15 January 2008 in Photography, Inspiration, Technology
15 Amazing Free, High Resolution Wallpaper Images
After the incredible response to our first and second high res wallpaper posts, we now follow up with this third offering. Take this opportunity to spruce up your desktop with high resolution wallpapers courtesy of some of Crestock's finest contributing photographers and designers.
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The Evolution of Stock Photography - Crestock Ver 3.0

Posted Tuesday, 16 October 2007 in Design, Photography, Technology
The Evolution of Stock Photography - Crestock Ver 3.0
Today marks a major day in the history of stock photography. This morning, after months of conceptualization, design, re-design, usability testing and development, Crestock Ver 3.0 is now live. The user interface is completely different and so much more intuitive that the GUI you find on at least 90% of the other big guns in the stock photography industry, with a plethora of new features.
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