giantkiwi giantkiwi
United States
Roselle, United States
My time: 08:16
Images approved: 1
Images sold: 0
Why do I take pictures:
I'm not sure why I take pictures. I just always have. From the first Brownie to my current gear, my first darkroom, to Photoshop I've been into the process and the result. It relaxes me. I reach a Zen zone when I photograph. So I guess I take pictures because I must.
When I don't photograph, I...:
I own and run a tanning salon. It's a temporary thing (I've been doing for two years already). Before (and maybe after and always) I am a computer professional.
My favourite photographer, and why:
My youngest daughter, who gets so much enjoyment from taking pictures. I can't help but see me when I started out, taking pictures of every bug that crossed my path and wondering how I'd pay to develop them. Now she can just fill my hard-drives.
The meaning of life, in my opinion:
Deep. Ask me nearer the end. Maybe I'll have figured something out.
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Photos And Illustrations By giantkiwi

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