Top 5 Must-Read Photography Blogs

Posted Thursday, 26 July 2007 by Chris Garrett in Design, Entertainment, Inspiration, Photography
Two trends you will have noticed over the last couple of years. The first, every other person you meet now has a digital camera. As a consequence, the second trend is at least half of these people want to learn more about their new-found photography passion.

Hundreds of websites and blogs are out there hoping to satisfy this demand but some stand out as shining beacons amongst the seas of recycled claptrap and copy and paste mediocrity.

What makes a photography blog really great in my less-than-humble opinion? Of course good, solid information is a must, but I also like to see personality, originality and fun. Why do so many photography websites have to be so solemn and earnest?

Enough of my waffle, you want to see my links, right? I give you my personal list of the very best photography blogs on the web today. Let me know your list in the comments!

Strobist Website Screenshot
1. Strobist
While most photography blogs cover a lot of ground, Strobist focuses on photographic lighting. This might seem to be limiting but instead it has meant David could concentrate on creating an extremely valuable and enjoyable resource. Part of the appeal is he doesn't assume you are carrying $20k of studio lighting equipment, his tips are relevant to anyone with an entry level DSLR and the humblest of off-camera flash. Nobody else does lighting tips like Strobist.
Digital Photography School Website Screenshot
2. Digital Photography School
DPS is all about teaching photography tips. Darren has put an incredible amount of work into this blog and he just keeps on going, with the occasional guest post. This blog caters to everyone from beginners to more advanced old hands. My favorite aspect of the site is the content is in small digestible chunks and while appealing to beginners, never patronizes. Recently the site also sprouted a forum which is building into a true community.
Photodoto Website Screenshot
3. Photodoto
John Watson is the guy behind those ever-popular flickr tools. Photodoto is Johns blog, where as well as the usual tips and articles he has worked hard with his readers to create a valuable database of lens reviews.
Photojojo Website Screenshot
4. Photojojo
While it is pitched as a newsletter there is in fact a web archive and RSS feed so it's safe to describe as a blog. Their focus is on DIY projects, things to do with photography after you have taken your pictures. When they launched they were quickly placed at the top of many a subscription list, and since have been a consistent joy.
Tips From The Top Website Screenshot
5. Tips From The Top Floor
OK, to be fair this one is a podcast/video podcast rather than a straight blog. This site is the creation of Chris Marquardt, a professional photographer in Germany. Listen to (or watch) one of the episodes and you can see how he gathered an audience in the thousands, he is a lively, fun and enthusiastic presenter.

You will notice a couple of names from our photography competition judging panel. Hey, we only invite the best to be our judges!

That is my list, what is yours? Who have I missed? Do you have a great photography blog you are just bursting to tell the world about? Here is your opportunity, tell us in the comments!

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By Darren on Sunday, 29 July 2007 12:56 AM
thanks for the link Chris - its great to be a part of a list with such great blogs
By kk+ on Tuesday, 31 July 2007 12:50 AM
sweet list... several of my favs as well. :)
By Chris Garrett on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 11:16 AM

@KK+ - Yeah these are my faves but of course I like yours too :)
By poojitha on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 1:24 PM
Thank you for introducing so many good blogs,it helped me to improve my blog as well
By Joomla! on Tuesday, 7 August 2007 6:22 PM
Thank you for a very nice article about the photography blogs. I have been working on a Joomla blog for some time and think that Crestock offers some great photos that I will be using. Some inspiration is always nice ;-)
By bob on Thursday, 9 August 2007 6:38 PM
Tips from the top floor is fantastic!

Thanks for the link!!
By Meldor on Sunday, 19 August 2007 12:35 PM
Great list. Also worth checking out:
Great lsit
By Jon - The DC Traveler on Monday, 20 August 2007 10:51 PM
Always looking for more photo sources and info.
By Garry on Monday, 1 October 2007 6:30 PM
Strobist is one site I always check out and look in awe at the photos that get shown. Thanks for the link to photojojo, hadn't heard of that site before!
Thanks for the sites
By .drew. on Tuesday, 6 November 2007 6:17 PM
Since you are all into photography, check out mine, and tell me what you think!

.Bongani's Blog.
By Os on Friday, 9 November 2007 3:21 AM
Thanks for the list! A couple more good sites to add to my links :)
By John on Saturday, 17 November 2007 10:53 PM
Not a blog but still an interesting site: - Quotations from the World of Photography.
Good post, found new sites to visit now
By John Edwards on Saturday, 2 February 2008 5:06 PM
As a hobby photographer constantly surfing the web for more photgraphy sites to visit, I really liked this post. NIce list, didnt know all of those sites.

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